Lease of safe locker
Benefits for the customers
  • VietinBank’s confidentiality undertaking for KYC, lease of safe locker and its contents as prescribed by the laws;
  • Security for deposited assets, avoidance of a myriad of risks of home asset storage;
  • Authorization to another person to transact with VietinBank upon Power of Attorney as prescribed by the laws;
  • Early termination of the lease at the request;
  • Getting interest against deposit amount under VietinBank's regulations from time to time.
Eligibility conditions
  • Customer’s undertakings to VietinBank and responsibility to the laws for the deposit assets:
  • Legal use rights and ownership,
  •  No disputes,
  • No prohibition for use, circulation or storage by laws.
  • No fire, explosion or self-destroy or blinding;
Application procedures

Valid ID card/Passport/ Citizen ID card/equivalents