Optional dream account
Benefits for the customers

Obtain prosperity and luck with VietinBank dream account:

  • Extremely diversified dream number database for Loc Phat numbers, Tu Quy numbers, wealth numbers, Tam Hoa numbers, etc., to the highest satisfaction of any customers
  • Optional account number database: Date of birth, souvenir date, telephone number, etc., to help the customers successfully affirm their personal style
  • Premium account prefix: 6666, 8888, optional by year of birth 
  • Enjoy VietinBank incentives with SMS, online savings services with attractive interest rate, totally free account opening and managing services, Internet Banking service, OTT balance alert, internal and external remittance as well as a series of other offers.
  • Currency type: VND, foreign currency
  • Definition of optional current account number: Optional current account numbers are account numbers having 3 last digits to 12 digits of the account as special numbers.
  • Features of special numbers:
    • Loc Phat numbers: at least 3 last consecutive digits being 6 and/or 8 and/or 368 or 386
    • Wealth numbers: at least 4 last consecutive digits being pairs of 79 and/or 39
    •  Identical numbers: at least 3 last identical digits in a row
    • Repetitive numbers: at least 4 last consecutive digits being sets of digits with 2 of which repeat at least once For example: 1212, 123123, 155155,….
    • Increasing numbers: at least 4 last consecutive digits in increasing order (e.g., 1234, 56789) or at least 6 last consecutive numbers being pairs of digits in increasing order by unit/ten values (e.g., 111213, 213141).
    • Mirrored numbers: at least 4 last consecutive digits being sets of digits with 2 of which are in reverse positions, e.g., 3553, 645546, etc.
  • Double Tam Hoa numbers: Having 6 or 12 last digits being sets of 3 identical numbers, e.g., 444000, 222555777.
  • Definition of optional CA numbers: The optional CA numbers are account numbers having 6 to 12 last digits of the customer’s selected account, e.g., date of birth, anniversary date, telephone number, etc.
  • Pricing/fee policy: Under VietinBank’s policies from time to time.
Application procedures
  • Valid citizen ID card/ID card/Passport/ equivalents
  • Request of opening current account
  • Current account opening and use contract.