Invite your friends to open a new VietinBank account - RECEIVE UNLIMITED BONUS
VietinBank has a special promotion program with rewards for both the referrer and the referee when successfully opening a VietinBank account! Hurry up and register to open a VietinBank account to receive extremely attractive gifts.
20/05/2024 12:24
  • Promotion period
    From 21/05/2024 - To 21/11/2024
  • Eligible recipients
  • Applicable locations
  • Unlimited cash rewards for introducers

    For every account successfully opened online on VietinBank iPay Mobile or at a transaction counter, the referrer will immediately receive 50,000 VND per referral.

    In particular, if the referred person is a customer receiving salary through a VietinBank account, they will immediately receive 70,000 VND per referral for successfully opening an account at a VietinBank transaction counter.

    Them Ban Moi Tien Trieu Toi Banner Ipay750x500px

    Gift combo for those being referred

    Not only the referrer will receive gifts, but those who are referred to VietinBank and successfully open an account will also receive a gift combo from VietinBank. Accordingly, upon successful activation of a VietinBank account, customers will immediately receive a combo of 500,000 VND worth of vouchers to use for transportation and shopping services at VnShop upon successful iPay activation.

    Banner Web 770x400The 500,000 VND voucher combo includes:

    ·         VnShop shopping voucher: 40% off up to 100,000 VND (1 time/customer).

    ·         VNPAY Taxi call voucher: 40% off up to 50,000 VND (*).

    ·         Movie ticket purchase voucher: 40% off up to 40,000 VND (*).

    ·         Bus ticket booking voucher: 40% off up to 40,000 VND (*).

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