Fee incentives for reusable services of SME enterprises
Under the SME Re-connect package, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be entitled to discounts of up to 80 per cent on guarantee issuance fees and letter of credit issuance fees.
01/01/2023 05:00
  • Promotion period
    From 01/12/2023 - To 31/05/2024
  • Eligible recipients
    medium and small-sized Enterprise
  • The program is designed for SME enterprises which have ever used the guarantee issuance service, import LC issuance and regular LC letters of credit but have not reused the service in 2023 or 2024 as per the regulations of the programs.

    Upon reusing the service, the SME business will be entitled to a preferential fee of up to 80% for the first 3 transactions and a reduction of up to 50% on the fee for the following transactions.

    The preferential period is up to 3 months from the date the customer reuses the service. 

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