FX Forward Transaction
Benefits for the customers

- Hedging against the exchange rate fluctuations risk.
- Proactively control cash flow and  payment expenses in foreign currency.
- VietinBank supports a wide range of currencies and large transaction volumes. 
- Competitive exchange rates.
- No transaction fees.


- FX Forward transaction is a binding obligation to buy or sell a certain amount of one currency in exchange for another currency at a determined exchange rate at transaction date between Customers and VietinBank. The transaction date can be determined as follows: 
Transaction term between foreign currency and Vietnamese Dong: minimum 03 working days, maximum 365 days from the transaction date.
+ Transaction term between foreign currency and foreign currency: according to agreement between VietinBank and customer.

Application procedures

- Customers provide documents containing the purpose of use, type of foreign currency, amount, payment term, and money transfer in foreign currency purchase transactions
- For futher information, please contact the nearest VietinBank Branch/Office HERE.