Benefits for the customers
  • Make payments anytime, anywhere via a variety of channels:
    • Online payment on Internet Banking and Mobile Banking (VietinBank eFAST for businesses and VietinBank iPay for individuals);
    • Pay at any nearest VietinBank's transaction office;
    • Register automatic payment for the desired service and all upcoming bills will be automatically paid upon notification from the billing entity.
  • Save time, costs and minimize cash-related risks.
  • Enjoy a 24/7 reporting system of cash flow management.
  • Make payment for periodic or irregular bills of organizations/individuals such as:
    • Electricity; Water; Phone; Television; Internet;
    • Insurance; Tuition; Hospital fee; Airline tickets;
    • Public administrative services;
    • Consumer finance loan payments to financial companies
Eligibility conditions
  • Organizations/individuals live and work in Vietnamese territory.