ECA long-term financing
Benefits for the customers
  • Access to long-term capital (financing term can be up to 10 years).
  • Long-term loan interest rates are competitive and reasonable.
  • VietinBank offers long-term financing to importers based on guarantees and insurance from export-supporting organizations of the exporting country's government (ECA) in Europe, the US, Japan, China, Korea, etc., such as Euler Hermes, SERVE, US Eximbank, JBIC, NEXI, SINOSURE, KEXIM.
Eligibility conditions
  • Domestic projects with Imported components from ECA countries or countries approved by ECA; and
  • Imported goods that meet ECA requirements (usually machinery and equipment); or
  • Domestic projects with benefits from ECA countries (applied to some ECAs);
  • Customers are eligible for long-term loans at VietinBank.
  • Comply with foreign exchange management regulations, law on anti-money laundering, and regulations by countries.