L/C under programs to support US agricultural products import of GSM 102 and US-Eximbank
Benefits for the customers
  • Enjoy similar conditions and procedures for issuing at sight/deferred LC.
  • Be assured about the Exporters' credibility. The Exporters will be evaluated by CCC/Eximbank/foreign banks and only receive approvals when meeting all requirements of the program.
  • Easy access to low cost credit fund for foreign currency (in case of At sight L/C);
  • Maximum 360 day payment defer from the B/E accepting date (in case of Deferred L/C);
  • With the issuance of At sight/Deferred LC for importing US agriculture products via VietinBank, Corporate Customers can access import financing with competitive interest rate under the US government-backed agricultural export programs, GSM102 and US EximBank programs.
Eligibility conditions
  • Customers import US agricultural products and meet L/C issuance conditions at VietinBank.
  • Exporters register to trade with the US Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) under the US Department of Agriculture and have guaranteed payment by CCC.
  • Comply with foreign exchange management regulations, law on anti-money laundering, and regulations by countries.