IICA (Indirect Investment Capital Account)
Benefits for the customers
  • Fulfilling the transactional demands of enterprises or foreign investors engaged in investment activities in Vietnam (e.g.: capital contribution, capital or share transfer, profit repatriation, etc.)
  • Receiving dedicated advisory support and guidance on the procedures for opening and using capital accounts and capital injection in compliance with the law on investment and foreign exchange control regulations of Vietnam.
  • Entitled to preferential service package and privilege offerings for enterprises opening new capital accounts at VietinBank
  • Accessing end-to-end solutions and services catering to all needs of FDI enterprises or foreign investors throughout the investment journey in Vietnam
Eligibility conditions
  • Foreign investors who are non-residents and carry out indirect investment activities in Vietnam.
  • Organizations and individuals related to indirect investment activities in Vietnam.
Application procedures
  • Current VietnamDong (“VND”) account opened and maintained by foreign investors at an authorized bank to perform transactions related to foreign indirect investment activities in Vietnam.
  • Currency: VND
  • Note: All transactions related to indirect investment activities in Vietnam of foreign investors must be conducted via one (01) IICA account opened at one (01) authorized bank.