VietinBank "Zero Fee" for Pharmaceutical Enterprises
“Zero Fee” is a special incentive package launched by VietinBank for businesses (DNs) in the Pharmaceutical Sector. Accordingly, DNs in the Pharmaceutical Sector receive VietinBank's incentives of “no fee” for many services, especially issuing tender guarantees.
13/06/2024 05:00
  • Promotion period
    From 13/06/2024 - To 30/06/2025
  • Eligible recipients
    FDI, large, medium and small-sized Enterprise
  • Zero-fee bid bond promotion, allowing businesses to get a full refund on their bid bond fee if they win the bid and take out a subsequent bond for that bid package. The promotion applies to all types of bonds, such as: contract performance bonds, advance payment bonds, warranty bonds...

    Free to maintain services and to register/change account identification service registration information from the date of service use until 31/12/2025. 

    Promotion of up to 100 basis points for the following currency pairs: EUR/VND, JPY/VND, USD/VND, helping businesses minimize the risk of losses when buying and selling foreign currencies.

    Includes other current promotions for businesses being implemented by VietinBank, such as: 100% exemption of foreign currency transfer fees for SME businesses on International Payment Golden Days (double dates like 7/7, 8/8..., and the 15th of each month), exemption of over 20 types of fees for the Account Package, exemption of salary payment service fees, and preferential loan interest rates when businesses pay salaries via VietinBank.

    Priority is given to lending additional working capital and medium- to long-term capital to implement Contracts/Projects/Bid Packages for which VietinBank issues bonds with competitive interest rates.

    To participate in/"find out more about the "Zero Fee" package, businesses can contact their local VietinBank branch/transaction office nationwide or the Customer Support Center: 1900 558 886 (Hotline dedicated to corporate customers).

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