Secured loans backed by high liquidity assets
Benefits for the customers
  • Full satisfaction of loan demand by saving balance, saving books/cards or valuable papers of retail customer
  • Simple application procedures, quick loan settlement time.
  • Loan tenor: flexible
  • Competitive interest and fee
  • Quick and timely response to the customer’s demand
  • High loan limit, up to 100% of collaterals value
  • Flexible loan method: Single loan; loan limit, overdraft limit
  • Loan tenor:
    + collaterals managed/issued by VietinBank: temporary lock/blockage by VietinBank’s time
    + collaterals managed/issued by other credit institutions: At most by the remaining time of assets
Eligibility conditions

Full satisfaction to the customer’s loan eligibility conditions under applicable regulations of VietinBank

Application procedures
  • Citizen ID card/Passport
  • Saving books/ valuable papers
  • Other documents under VietinBank’s regulations