Flexi Deposit Certificate
Benefits for the customers
  • Higher profits than that of the same ter saving deposit
  • More flexible transferability: FLEXI deposit certificate reacquired by CTS as committed
  • High safety and security
  • Deposit Certificate is a valuable paper issued by Vietinbank in accordance with the SBV's regulations and covered by deposit insurance like saving deposit
  • Term: 12 months
  • Currency: VND
  • Interest payment method: Paid in arrears
  • Face value: VND 100 million/Deposit Certificate
  • Minimum issuance face value: VND 1 billion = 10 Deposit Certificates (the face value is a  multiple of VND 100 million)
  • Interest rate: according to regulations from time to time.
  • Flexible transfer, profits calculated based on real-time holding


Eligibility conditions
  • Customers as individuals, living in Vietnam
  • Valid identification papers
  • Flexi Deposit Certificate sales transaction at VietinBank transaction offices, nationwide 
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