Green UP – The green finance package that supports businesses in sustainable development

18/03/2024 12:00
Continuing the series of activities to promote sustainable finance after COP28 (the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), VietinBank launched the GREEN UP green financial package with preferential interest rates. and fees for projects and projects that bring environmental and social benefits.

In continuation of the series of activities to promote sustainable finance after COP28 (the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), VietinBank launches the GREEN UP Green Finance Package with preferential interest rates and fees for solutions and projects that bring environmental and social benefits.

As a leading bank and a pillar of the economy, VietinBank is committed to accompanying customers in the process of transitioning to "0" net emissions. VietinBank's sustainable development financing has achieved an annual growth rate of 100% in the period 2018 - 2022. Continuing the series of activities to promote sustainable finance after COP28, VietinBank launched the GREEN UP Green Finance Package for projects that bring environmental and social benefits.

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From January 5, 2024 to December 31, 2024, VietinBank will allocate 5,000 billion VND to provide preferential capital for solutions and projects that bring environmental and social benefits in areas such as: Green energy, green export (textiles, fabrics, leather shoes, coffee, rice, wood, seafood), green works...

The interest rate of the GREEN UP Green Finance Package is only from 5.8%/year for short-term loans and from 6.2%/year for medium- and long-term loans. Corporate customers of all sizes and meeting sustainability standards such as: GRS Global Recycling Standard, OEKO Standard, Fairtrade Certification, USDA Organic Standard, VFCS Certification Sustainable Forest Management, EDGE Gold Green Building Certification..., can participate in the GREEN UP Green Finance Package.

The implementation of this green credit package is part of the activities that VietinBank is actively implementing to support capital flows for green, environmentally friendly projects; thereby bringing common benefits to the whole community. Thereby, VietinBank also wants to become a strong financial support for businesses with sustainable development goals.

Fee incentives for green businesses

In addition to providing a green credit line, VietinBank also waives or reduces many types of fees by up to 100%, supporting businesses in reducing costs and focusing on sustainable development. Specifically, green businesses are given beautiful account numbers, 100% exemption of account maintenance fees, eFAST service fees, ERP connection fees, reduction of up to 100% of VND money transfer services at the counter, incoming foreign currency transfers, and up to 50% reduction of foreign currency transfer service fees, money transfer for border trade payments... The maximum interest rate and fee incentive period is up to 24 months.

Currently, VietinBank is one of the pioneering banks developing a comprehensive product portfolio for sustainable development, from capital mobilization, green credit... to ESG consulting. By participating in the GREEN UP Green Finance Package, businesses not only enjoy the incentives of the Program; but also using other sustainable financial solutions of VietinBank, supporting businesses in the journey towards "0" net emissions as committed by the Government at COP26.

Businesses interested in the GREEN UP Green Finance Package can contact the nearest VietinBank branch/transaction office or the Customer Support Center: 1900 558 868.

(*) Specific conditions are subject to VietinBank's regulations

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