VietinBank honored to receive double awards for Retail Bank

28/03/2022 05:00
On March 25, 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City, within the 2021 Vietnam Retail Banking framework, the Ceremony of Announcement and Honor Outstanding Retail Bank 2021 was held. VietinBank was honored to receive 2 Awards namely “Outstanding Retail Bank” and “Outstanding Creative Service Bank.”


The awards were held by Vietnam Banks' Association (VNBA) in coordination with the International Data Group (IDG) to honor the banks with great achievements and contributions to Vietnam Finance and Banking Industry.

“Account Alias” hot trend

With desire to offer the premium products and services in terms of features and utilities for the customers, the “Account Alias” service was launched in 2021 by VietinBank. Customers are enabled to freely use and name their account by store/brand name, feng sui, telephone number, or an array of desired letter and digit characters.

Alias affirms style and personality of each owner, shop owner and acts as a great chance to developing brand by applying shop name-identical Alias such as Nanashop, Litiflower, etc. Thanks to easy-to-remember and identifiable Alias, cash receipt/transfer transaction are easily initiated by  account owners and customers without remembering account number.

Unique and easy-to-use Alias service is pioneered by VietinBank in Vietnam. Especially, in the “Táo Quân 2022” program, the Alias was trusted by “the Jade Emperor” with “NgocHoang” Alias and strongly impressed with “Assistants” and “Kitchen Gods”. Currently, Account Alias is free for telephone number and also free for business customers; accordingly, increasingly high number of customers is facilitated to approach and use such outstanding services.

With Alias’s outstanding benefits and features, VietinBank was awarded with the “Outstanding Creative Service Bank 2021” Prize. This was the second consecutive year that VietinBank received prize in this category. 

The prize is the affirmation of VietinBank efforts for creating and catching with market trends to release high application offerings. In the coming time, a series of new offerings shall be introduced, offering the convenience, safety, trust and believe for the customers. 

Strong impression on retail operations

The creative offerings, powerful and sustainable growth retailing operations are outstanding point for VietinBank to be awarded with “Outstanding Retail Bank 2021”. This was the second consecutive year that VietinBank received this award. The retailing operation results were convincingly shown by key operating disclosures and indicators in 2021, concretely:

Selective credit growth was paired with risk and debt quality control, ensuring safe and effective lending operations, gaining the customer’s great trust. Besides, VietinBank was also quickly and timely issue the preference and supporting programs and policies to accompany with the customers affected by COVID-19 pandemics, helping the customers to overcome difficulties.

VietinBank was known as one of banks pioneered to launch online overdraft loan product for retail customers with completely automatic process to be well matched with the epidemic context. Accordingly, the customers were financially active, simplifying procedures without visiting the banks.

2021 also witnessed VietinBank’s strongest CASA development with density of nearly 15%/total retail deposit resources. As a result, VietinBank was enhanced to reduce the input costs for funding and lending, satisfying the customer’s capital demand with preferential interest rate.

The new offerings were continuously diversified and developed to satisfy the customer’s demand and increase non-interest income, the biggest market share was continued to be successfully held by VietinBank’s card payment operations. The 2021 card payment sales climbed up nearly 40% y.o.y. Some key card products were successfully launched by VietinBank, creating a good echo in the market such as Sendo joint-brand card, 2Card and iZero Domestic Credit Card, Virtual International Credit Card.

Continuing technology investment and renovation, VietinBank was quickly transforming and growing its transaction scale and volume via VietinBank iPay. In order to attract non-account customers, VietinBank pioneered to transform iPay Mobile as sales channel via eKYC identification technology. VietinBank iPay Mobile expanded the ecosystem to improve the customer experience with over 60 new features and upgrades in 2021; officially launching iPay Web to be consistent with iPay Mobile in terms of customer experience, interface and features.

Especially since January 1, 2022, “great” policy with special preferences have been applied by VietinBank: Unconditional free transaction for any customers on VietinBank iPay. Accordingly, the customers were free from all transaction fees, including Internal and external transfer fee, current account/current account package maintenance fee, VietinBank iPay maintenance fee, maintenance fee of OTT-based account balance change, issuance fee of Domestic/International Debit Cards, Alias booking fee by telephone number. As a result, customers were enabled to cut down costs, convenient launching the digital banking transactions, maximizing benefits for any customers.

With 2 obtained retail awards, VietinBank continued affirming its position as the Local Leading Retail Bank in Vietnam.

The great awards and titles for VietinBank retail operations:

- The “Best e-banking application in Vietnam in 2021” for VietinBank iPay Mobile and the “Best deposit product in Vietnam in 2021” for 3 Current Account Packages awarded by the Asian Banker.

- VietinBank iPay Mobile was the unique e-banking application to be awarded with the title of “Top 10 Sao Khue” for 2 consecutive years of 2020 and 2021.

- Top 10 Vietnam Trust Brands in 2021 for Account Alias Service.

- VietinBank was awarded with “the Best Retail Bank in Vietnam” for 6 consecutive years by the International Finance and “the Best Retail Bank in Vietnam” for 5 consecutive years by the Global Banking and Finance.

Hoàng My
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