Demand savings deposit
Benefits for the customers
  • Additional deposit or cash withdrawal at any transaction outlets within banking hours.
  • Automatic receipt of due interest payments
  • Pledge of saving books/cards for loan.
  • Opening joint account or ownership transfer.
  • Selection of payment method
  • Balance certification
  • Other added utilities
  • Absolute security
  • Supply of home-based collection/payment service
  • Deposit insurance

Product features:

  • Mobilized currency type: VND, USD, EUR
  • Minimum deposit amount: VND 100,000, US$ 10, EUR 10.
  • Interest: demand; Interest is daily accumulated and added into principal on the last day of the month.

Eligibility conditions:

  • VND deposits Vietnamese and foreigner legally living and operating in Vietnam.
  • Foreign currency deposit: Vietnamese resident
Application procedures

Valid ID card/Passport/ Citizen ID card/equivalents